

Continuously improve compliance and governance

Various initiatives have been put in place to raise compliance awareness among our employees.

We consider compliance by our executives and employees to be an important management matter and are implementing various initiatives in accordance with Mitsui Fudosan Group compliance policies.



Our Compliance Committee, whose members include all company departments, meets regularly with the director in charge of the General Human Resources Department as the person responsible for overseeing compliance, and reports and responds swiftly and appropriately. In addition, each year, Mitsui Fudosan Group formulates a compliance action plan for the relevant year based on which it implements compliance activities and reports to Mitsui Fudosan at the end of the year.


We provide all our employees, from new employees to executives, with compliance training aimed at increasing the significance of compliance.

Internal consultation service

We have established two consultation services for persons engaged in our business, one within the company and one at an external law office. This service offers consultation for legal compliance issues as well as for matters related to the work environment.

Internal audit

Once a year, the audit office conducts an audit of our company and all hotels across the country to confirm the status of issues identified for rectification. In addition, once a year, Mitsui Fudosan conducts an audit of the Group companies.

Primary training and awareness-raising activities

In-house trainingInduction trainingNew employees(April) *Carried out at the beginning of each month by temporary and contract employees
Watch compliance videoAll employees(once a year)
Compliance trainingAll employees(regular/selective) Training for situations that may arise during operation
Awareness-raising activitiesInternal notice and recitationAll employeesPost the Mitsui Fudosan Group compliance policy on the internal bulletin board and notebooks
(monthly) Compliance policy recited in the workplace
Compliance communicationAll employees(4 times a year) Communicate information on matters and topics that require attention during business operation